Sunday 27 September 2015

Fashion Research | Traditional Tibetan Dress

  • The national dress of Tibet is the chuba, a long-sleeved loose coat worn by both men and women. The men wear a shorter version with pants underneath.
  • Chubas are often made oversized to accommodate the Tibetan way of living. When tied around the waist by a belt or sash, the upper part of a chuba turns into a huge pocket for carrying things, from personal items to small livestock and even a baby. When it is hot in the daytime, Tibetans undress the right arms to disperse heat. If it is even hotter, then one may undress both arms and tie the sleeves around the waist. 

  • The belt is usually made of red, yellow or light green (young female may use pink) silk and is well decorated. Men hang flint box, needle box and Tibetan knife on it. Women hang copper or silver hook with butterfly and water lily designs. 
  • Underneath the chuba a variety of shirts, vests, jackets are worn to keep out the cold. Long woolen breeches are tucked into knee-high felt boots. Women wear long, sleeveless dresses and blouses, and an apron of brightly coloured horizontal stripes.

  • Hats were once a very important feature of Tibetan dress. People were generally identified by the kind of hats they wore.
  • The important element of the traditional Tibetan costume is jewelry worn by both men and women. Over their clothes women wear silver amulets, coral and turquoise beads. Men often carry a tiny statue of a lama, a prayer wheel or a rosary and wear one earring.

Once again fashion for function is prevalent. Clothing again defines status and is an immediately recognizable show of status. Reminds me actually...

Of the fashion in Orlais in Dragon Age Inquisition. I know this was based on France but I guess a lot of old cultures used clothes to define wealth (very extravagantly) I guess this is still a visual cue used today with designer labels and such, but with very fashionable and easily accessible high street brands, if one is well presented I think the status devide can be a lot harder to decipher than it used to be.

Although in Orlais, fashion is a lot less practical. The Orlesians say they use the masks to hide their true selves. But the masks do nothing to cover the mouth of body language that would give away lies so, the use is basically just bluster to cover up that the whole thing is just done for show.


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