Wednesday 28 October 2015

The World

Just realised I've not really spoken on my blog what the story behind my world/two characters is. So:

  • Human race thousands of years into the future, but not set on earth.
  • Humans have been terraforming planets (making them stable for living on) because we keep polluting our world. (Based on pollution in china).
  • Humanity has/had progressed to a point where Asian culture was dominant
  • Because humans are not changing their ways, new planets need to be terraformed so once we pollute one planet we can move onto the next.
  • It is difficult to terraform planets and not all are suitable so eventually we could run out and the human race will die.
  • Have to create protagonist and antagonist for work but good/evil in my characters isn't as clear cut as that
  • Character 1, we will call this character the "antagonist" (this is the dragon based character) - this just for the sake of labels, purely because her design is more aggressive. She has found/created/procured a virus that will kill off 94% of the human population (which could be considered bad) but by lowering the population density the planet will be able to recover and the remaining few members of society (because there will be a manageable amount) can be properly educated/taught to respect and live with the environment to stop the human "virus" killing off all these planets. Bear in mind its possible that all the human race will die off eventually anyway if/when they run out of planets to terraform. This is a ends over the means idea.
  • Character 2, will will call her the protagonist (the stork character). She is a political leader in charge of getting humans off the dying planet and onto the new safe one. She hopes that on this new planet we can start again and look after it this time (bear in mind humanity have had hundreds of chances at this and just keep repeating the same failings). This is a means over the ends character. 


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