Monday 23 November 2015

A Second Look

Took a second look at The Last of Us concept art. The brief states that:

"The game [I am working on] is yet untitled and in many ways still un-explored."
so because of this I don't think it's necessary or practical to do fully rendered/detailed colouring of my concept art as long as it is TLoU/Ashley Wood inspired and in a realistic style.
This is because in early conception  it is best to get multiple ideas out very quickly and it is important for them to read well in relation to the brief. I can still make my art stylised without spending days rendering it. Due to the sheer amount of items for submission on the brief in comparison to other projects also suggests to me that the concept art module is supposed to me mainly design driven, rather than illustrative driven. It is more important for my concept to read well than to be stunningly rendered. As long as it follows the required style I think this is the better option. Focusing on making the design read well with the use of colour I think is a better use of my time than spending ages concentrating on making it look pretty and not thinking hard about the design.


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