Wednesday 11 November 2015

Antagonist - Line Art Model Sheet

This is my first attempt at a line - model sheet but I'm not sure I like it so we can call this a mock up.

The brief says "neat line art". Which makes me think of the sort of line art that you get in colouring books. However, saying that, neither Dragon Age nor The Last of Us concept art is particularly like, colouring book style line art. I think line art can still be neat even if the lines aren't completely smooth so this is the sort of style I wanted to go for.

This is a go I had at the line sheet using a brush I don't normally use that I thought might replicate the sort of line work used in the Last of Us art but I think it looks a bit scruffy. This could also be because I drew this sheet in about an hour or also because my line thickness isn't as varied. I think the design looks quite string but the rendering isn't great. I want to focus, I think, on doing all the drawings individually rather than all straight away on the same sheet. I think with the deadlines coming up a panicked a little and just tried to get them done as quickly as possible but I dont think this works super well for a portfolio piece.


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